Silent_Snow_poster• Outreach education and interdisciplinary enrichment programs for all levels including K-12 students, undergraduates in relevant fields, and other community groups. Read more…

• Programs for Educators: professional development workshops that support educational activities and augment STEM curriculum requirements.

• Presentations ranging from single one-time multi-media lectures to multiple-day seminars as well as special themed events. Examples: Polar Day/Weekend Fair, Arctic Reels Film Festival, Arctic Explorer Portals Programs, and Arctic Arts & Culture Expo. Read more…

• Professional custom copy-writing and editing services that may include articles, press releases, blog posts, and other content relevant to the client’s needs

• Subject Matter Expertise that includes but is not limited to research and preparations of reports specializing in polar studies, climate systems, polar ecology, impacts of environmental changes, and Circumpolar indigenous cultures and associated issues.

• Liaison services connecting media and industry with international Arctic agencies, governments, indigenous communities and experts in relevant fields.